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# 공부&취업

[영어공부 #2] 유튜브 보고 문장 받아쓰기 / 스티브잡스 대화문 / 일상 대화 / 회화 작문 스터디


[영어공부 기록 # 24.01.14]

금융권 필기 준비를 하느라 조금 미뤘던 유튜브 영어 공부 기록.
사실 이도 저도 아닌 준비를 하면서,, 뭘 하는 건가 싶지만, 현타도 오지만, 조금씩 기록해야겠다.


[스티브 잡스] A급 인재와 B급, C급 직원의 차이 (한영 자막) By Project 스노우볼

You've got to be a really good talent scout.
Because no matter how smart you are, you need a team of great people.
And you've got to figure out how to size people up fairly quickly, make decisions without knowing people too well and hire them.
And you know see how you do and refine your intuition and be able to help, you know, build an organization that can eventually just, you know, build itself.
Because you need great people around you.
Most things in life, the dynamic range between average and the best is at most two to one.
Like if you go to the New York City and you get an average taxi cab driver versus the best taxi cab driver, you would probably gonna get to your destination with the best taxi cab maybe 30% faster.
You know in an automobile?
What's the difference between an average and the best?
Maybe. I don't know, 20%?
The best CD player and an average CD player? I don't know, 20%?
So 2 to 1 is a big, big dynamic range in most of life.
In software, and it used to be the case in hardware too.
The difference between average and the best is 50 to 1. Maybe 100 to 1. OK?
Very few things in life are like this.
But what I was lucky enough to spend my life in is like this.
And so, i've built a lot of my success off finding these truly gifted people.
And not settling for B and C players, but really going for the A players.
I found something, I found that when you get enough A players together. when you go through the incredible work to find you know, five of these A players, they really like working with each other.
Because they've never had a chance to do that before.
And they don't want to work with B and C players and so it becomes self-policing.
And they only want to hire more A players. and so you build up these pockets of A players and it propagates.
And that's what the Mac team was like. They were all A players. and these were extraordinarily talented people.
But there were also people who now say that, they don't have the energy anymore to work for you.
Sure, I think if you talk to a lot of people on the Mac team. they will tell you.
It was the hardest they've ever worked in their life. some of them will tell you it was, you know, the happiest they've ever been in their life.
But I think all of them will tell you that is certainly one of the most intense and cherish experiences they will ever have in their lives.
It's some of those things you are not sustainable for some people.
