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# 공부&취업

[영어공부 #4] 유튜브로 영자신문 읽기 / 보신탕 금지?! / 김여사의 동물 사랑 / 2027 시행되는 개고기 법안


[영어공부 기록 # 24.01.17]

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[시사영어 1일1문] 한국, 아듀 보신탕 (당일영어뉴스로 영어공부)
By 상상영어 - Imagination English


[South Korea passes law banning dog meat trade]
The slaughter and sale of dogs for their meat is to becom illegal in South Korea after MPs backed a new law.
The legislation, set to come into force by 2027, aims to end the centuries-old practice of humans eating dog meat.
Dog meat stew, called "boshintang", is considered a delicacy among some older South Koreans, but the meat has fallen out of favour with diners and is no longer popular with young people.
Under the new law the consumption of dog meat itself will not be illegal.
According to a Gallup poll last year, only 8% of people said they had tried dog meat in the past 12 months, down from 27% in 2015.
Fewer than a fifth of those polled said they supported the consumption of the meat.
The new law focuses on the dog meat trade - those convicted of butchering dogs face up to three years in prison, while people found guilty of raising dogs for meat or selling dog meat could serve a maximum of two years.
Farmers and restaurant owners have three years to find alternative sources of employment and income before the legislation comes into force.
According to government statistics, South Korea had around 1,600 dog meat restaurants and 1,150 dog farms in 2023, all of which will now have to submit a plan to phase out thier business to their local authorities.
The government has promised to fully support dog meat farmers, butchers and restaurant owners, whose businesses will be forced to close, though the details of what compensation will be offered have yet to be worked through.
Previous governments, dating back to the 1980s, have pledge to ban dog meat, but failed to make progress.
Current President Yoon Sukyeol and First lady Kim Keonhee are known animal lovers - they have six dogs, and Ms Kim has called for the practice of eating dogs to end.
