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# 공부&취업

[영어공부 #3] 유튜브 보고 문장 받아쓰기 / 뛰어난 사람을 고용하는 방법 / 일 잘하는 사람을 다루는 법 / 회화 작문 스터디

by haamong 2024. 1. 15.

[영어공부 기록 # 24.01.15]


[스티브 잡스] A급 인재와 B급, C급 직원의 차이 (한영 자막) By Project 스노우볼

What does it mean when you tell someone their work is shit?
It usually means their work is shit.
Sometimes it means I think your work is shit and i'm wrong.
But usually it means, their work is not anywhere near good enough.
I have this great quote from Bill Atkinson who says, when you say people's work is shit, you really mean, I don't quite understand, would you please explain it to me?
No, that's not usually what i meant.
When you get really good people, they know they're really good.
and you don't have to baby people's ego so much.
And what really matter is the work, and everybody knows that's all that matters is the work.
People are being counted on to do specific pieces of the puzzle.
And the most important thing i think you can do for somebody who's really good and who's really being counted on is to point out to them when their work isn't good enough.
And to do it very clearly and to articulate why and to get them back on track.
And you need to do that in a way that does not call into a question your confidence and abilities, but leaves not too much room for interpretation that their work, the work they have done for this particular thing is not good enough to support the goal of the team.
And that's a hard thing to do.
And i've always taken a very direct approach.
And i think if you talk to people that have worked with me, the really good people have found it beneficial.
Some people hated it. you know?
but, and i'm also one of these people that I don't really care about being right.
I just care about success.
So you'll find a lot people that will tell you that i had a very strong opinion, and they present evidence to the contrary, and five minutes later I completely change my mind.
Because i'm like that. I don't mind being wrong. And i'll admit that i'm wrong a lot.
It doesn't really matter to me too much.
What matters to me is that we do the right thing.
