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# 공부&취업

[영어공부 #5] 유튜브로 시사영어 공부/ 뉴스로 영어공부 / 젊은층 암 조기발병 급증 기사


[영어공부 기록 # 24.01.21]

[시사영어 1일1문] 암 조기발병 급격 증가 (당일영어뉴스로 영어공부)
by 상상영어 - Imagination English


Cancer is striking more young people, and Doctors are alarmed and baffled.
Cancer is hitting more young people in the U.S. and around the globe, baffling doctors.
Diagnosis rates in the U.S. rose in 2019 to 107.8 cases per 100,000 people under 50, up 12.8% from 95.6 in 2000, federaldata show. A study in BMJ Oncology last year reported a sharp global rise in cancers in people under 50, with the higest rates in North America, Australia and Western Europe.
The U.S. cancer death rate has dropped by one-third since 1991, thanks to a plunge in smoking and better treatment.
Screening to catch cancers earlier, including breast cancer, has helped, too.
Although cancer still strikes older people far more often than the young, the rise in early-onset cancers threatens to stall progress.
One in five new colorectal cancer patients in 2019 was under 55, a near doubling since 1995.
These younger patients are often diagnosed at late stages.
Colorectal cancer death rates among patients over 65 are going down, but for those under 50 they are going up.
Researchers are scrutinizing possible causes ranging from inactive lifestyles to microplastics.
Oncologists have found a greater risk of developing colorectal cancer at a young age among women who spent a lot of time sitting in front of the TV.
Drinking sugary drinks in high school correlated with higher risk, too.
Even being born via caesarean section seemed to link another group of women with higher risk of getting colorectal cancer early.
Deep-fried and highly processed foods have been implicated in other studies of early onset colorectal cancer, while diets with fiber, fruits and vegetables likely lower risks.
Cancers including colorectal, breast and pancreatic have been tied to obesity, and studies support a link between excess weight and some early onset cancers.
