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# 공부&취업

[영어공부 #6] 유튜브 영어학습/ 뉴스기사 시사공부 / AI 기술 발전과 미래 / AI를 적용한 앞으로의 기업 발전방향


[영어공부 기록 # 24.01.22]

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[시사영어 1일1문] 인공지능, 전세계 일자리 재편 (당일영어뉴스로 영어공부)
By 상상영어 - Imagination English


IMF : About 40% of jobs worldwide could be disrupted by AI

Artificial intelligence could negatively impact nearly 40% of all jobs across the world by potentially increasing inequally.
In a new study, the International Monetary Fund says the world is on the edge of a tech revolution that could increase productivity, boost global growth, and raise incomes globally.
The study, which examines the global impact of AI on jobs, reveals that nearly 40% of jobs worldwide are in some form already exposed to AI, impacting high-skilled jobs the most.
Meanwhile, around 60% of jobs in developed economies could be impacted, with roughly half benefiting from AI integration to enhance productivity.
The study notes that approximately half of those affected will benefit from increased productivity due to AI integration, but that the other half might face the replacement of core tasks by AI, resulting in lower labor demand, reduced wages, and fewer jobs opportunities.
"The effect on labor income will largely depend on the extent to which AI will complement high-income workers.
If AI significantly complements higher-income workers, it may lead to a disproportionate increase in their labor income.
Moreover, gains in productivity from firms that adopt AI will likely boost capital returns, which may also favor high earners.
Both of these phenomena could exacerbate inequality," said IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva in a blog post.
Georgieva says that AI may worsen overall inequality, a concern that policymakers must address to prevent technology from escalating social tensions.
“It is crucial for countries to establish comprehensive social safety nets and offer retraining programs for vulnerable workers.
In doing so, we can make the AI transition more inclusive, protecting livelihoods and curbing inequaity," said Georgieva.

* Vocabulary

disrupted : 단절시키다. 붕괴시키다.
on the edge of : 하려는 찰나에 있는
high skilled jobs : 전문직, 고도의 기술직
meanwhile : 한편
developed economics : 선진국
roughly : 약
integration : 결합, 도입
enhance : 높이다
replacement : 대체
complement 보완하다
disproportionate : 불균형적인
capital returns : 자본수익률
favor A : A의 편을 들다, A에게 유리해지다.
exacerbate : 악화시키다
concern  : (부정적인)관심사, 문제점
policymakers : 정책결정자들
address : 대처하다, 해결하다, 다루다
comprehensive : 종합적인
vulnerable : 취약한
transition : 이행, 변천, 탈바꿈
inclusive : 품어주는
livelihoods : 생계
curbing : 막아주는 (curb 억제하다,제한하다)
